2023 Election: Youth participation key in achieving credible elections

by | Apr 6, 2022 | Corruption News | 0 comments

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Just as preparations for the 2023 general elections hit top gear, the importance of youth participation in achieving credible, free and fair elections cannot be overemphasised. This was the stand of participants at the Corruption Tori webinar held on Tuesday in Abuja. The event which took place via zoom drew participants from various demography and was aimed at proffering solutions to minimizing various forms of corruption in the up coming elections.

Hadiza Madu Mshelia, a public affairs analyst and social commentator who was a keynote speaker at the event said that youths are often deterred from aspiring for electoral positions because of their financial incapacity. She however, stressed the need for a forum to be formed down to grassroots to enable youths sit and educate people on their electoral rights


A participant from Enugu, Eddie Ohaekwiro while speaking at the webinar encouraged youths to maximise their youthfulness by making their presence known at the helm of affairs of the Nation, he also encouraged them to vote without any form of religious or ethnic bias.

Also speaking at the event was Dr. Patrick Osatohanwen, a Faculty Member of the School of Science and Technology, Pan-Atlantic University Lagos State who spoke on the importance of youth participation in the electoral process, emphasising that the consequences of bad leadership is non-partisan because whether a person get actively involved or not they will suffer consequences of an unpopular government. He therefore urged youths to participate in steering both the economic and social development of the Country in the right direction by voting in the right leaders.


The Chief Operating Officer of Signature Communication, producers of Corruption Tori, Nwabueze Njoku while giving the closing remarks said that youths not to only participate in electoral affairs but also be more knowledgeable in matters concerning the Nation

The Webinar with the theme “Minimising Corruption in the 2023 Elections: the role of the youths” is part of Corruption Tori’s amplification of the fight against corruption. The program which is produced by Signature Communication is also supported by the MacArthur Foundation.


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