by | Jun 23, 2021 | Corruption News | 0 comments

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The unveiling ceremony was both physical and virtual an anti-corruption enthusiast are followers of corruption Tori world wide joined virtually
SignatureTv used the opportunity to showcase its partnership with Mac Arthur foundation which has been funding the production of corruption Tori and the experience of watching corruption unfold before its convert reporters

The Chief Executive Officer of SignatureTV VinMartin Obiora Ilo promised that season two of the corruption Tori would be a stronger effort to bring the reality of corruption to the ordinary Nigerians and increase the number of Nigerians working against corruption

The minister of state for labor Festus Keyamo commended signature tv for taking the fight against corruption to the grassroots by producing a program on corruption in both pidgin and local language


The season two of corruption Tori kicks off in July 4, 2021 on the network service of the African independent television AIT and seven NTA stations across Nigerian.


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Court Grants Ex-Minister Agunloye N50m Bail

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